Wednesday 13 February 2013


Valentines is fast approaching, and it makes me laugh every year how far it can divide opinion. I have never been a fan of over the top gestures, preferring a more personal present any day but I can never understand why people are so against it? This can be said for many other celebrations- Christmas, royal holidays etc. In my opinion, when there is so much sadness and anger in the world why would you choose to not celebrate something so focused on bringing people together and love? The most common opposition I hear is 'its all marketing' and 'you don't need a holiday to tell people you love them'. This is all well and good, but I wish to meet a person who makes those closest to them feel appreciated every single day of the year? I for one am guilty of not always spending enough time with people I care about, or taking the time to make sure they are OK. Our lives seem to revolve around time, not having enough of it and for some- having too much (see previous post about what makes you happy) so if an occasion is what we need to prompt us to appreciate those close to us so be it. And for those who say its all marketing- simple- don't buy anything. Make something if you wish, or just a simple message on a mirror will suffice. We all think those closest to us know how much we love them but when was the last time you told them? (tip: go do it now!)

 Everyone has the right to be in love, and I never realised just how important it can be. It is not limited just to that from a boyfriend or girlfriend, although I have found out how important this can be of late. This last time last year I was single, pre-occupied by bungee jumps and holding tarantula's ( and a boyfriend could not of been furthest from my mind. I had even made a point to my housemate that I would not pursue anyone who came on the scene as I didn't think it was fair whilst I was busy with something so personal to me. But one Sunday afternoon I was to meet the person who would change all that. Having swapped my weekend shift at the pub to a daytime I ended up serving a family who I had got to know over the last few months and in particular a certain son of theirs I had never met. Although nothing happened there and then by the powers of facebook (yes that very social networking site I moaned about in my first post) we got chatting, swapped numbers and arranged our first date the very next day. You would be right in thinking that this would be going against my refusal to pursue, however anyone who didn't mess around with texting for 3 weeks before going on a date instantly made me intrigued. Even after a lovely chat over a drink (I chatted he listened I'm told!) I was still a little reluctant for anything to come out of it, but something couldn't stop me seeing him again. I think part of this was due to the fact he was so different to anyone I had dated before- he was polite, funny and nothing short of a gentleman, the complete opposite of anything I would count as my 'type'. Whilst I was worried that perhaps it would turn out to be nothing more than friendship its that foundation that makes us stronger then ever, not only did I gain a boyfriend I also gained a best friend. It may not be the constant roller coaster I was used to but I wouldn't swap it for the world and I can tell I have matured as I appreciate it so much (and I still get butterflies to this day) I don't want to be waiting for a text message all day...I want to be waking up to one and I don't want to be arguing about where to go...I want to to be struggling to fit in all the things we have planned. I always thought relationships would be stifling and stop me being who I want to be, but I would actually say it has made me into a better person. Not only do I learn new things everyday from him but I also have the confidence to do things differently. I know there is always going to be someone there to support me if it goes wrong or congratulate me if it goes right. When I look at my grandparents who are still as madly in love as the day they met, I can tell it isn't based on trying to out do each other or being stubborn. They are a team who have worked through any problems and took on the world together. It sounds cheesy but there isn't anyone who doesn't want to fall in love in their life, isn't that what we all search for? I think if we all showed a little more old fashioned values and respect to our other halves relationships would last a lot longer. You may be thinking who am I to judge how love works? This may be so but with anything I think you need to know what you want in order to gain it. One day I want my grandchildren to look at me and I think I want what they have.

 Love comes in many different forms but no one can deny that love makes the world a better place and there isn't anyone who would give up the chance to be in love.

Happy reading,

Grace x

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