Sunday 7 April 2013


Well it has been a long (and sometimes testing 40 days and nights for lent) I knew chocolate would be difficult having a sweet tooth but who knew how my lack of facebook would effect me. I haven't been a fan of facebook for sometime, but going cold turkey is a whole new ball game. The first week was tough purely because of habit. I lost count the amount of times I clicked on the icon on my phone before being met with the log-in screen. Then there was constant references from my friends...'Have you seen blah blah from school's status update? Did you see the picture I uploaded from last night?' It meant nothing to me, but rather than feeling left out I actually started to feel a little smug that I wasn't wasting my time on such pointless things. The only thing I missed was being able to see pictures from my family, my cousin will regularly posts pictures of my godchildren and I have family in Australia who keep us updated. So what did I do at the end of the 40 days? Well of course I had to log back in for one last glance but I have deleted the app off my phone and spent a few hours deleting the people who I wouldn't say hello to in the street or seen for over 6 months. I can safely say I haven't missed out on a thing by not having Facebook and able to spend my time a lot more productively as you can see below....

Handmade Easter cards

Alternative Easter treats, bought the bags and labels from an eBay store and filled with my nieces favourite sweets

New cake book...already put notes on my favourite

Cooking equipment ready to go

Chocolate orange marble cake ready to go in the oven

All iced up to be served Easter Sunday

New vintage plates...with a few crumbs, I think that means they enjoyed it? :-)

Easter decorations (from pound land shh!)

Unfortunately the same cannot be said for a Chocolate and I haven't stopped indulging since! I know this must stop as I begin to train again for the London Marathon 2014. My next blog will be all about getting back in the fitness game!

Happy reading,

Grace xx